
Dr Waite is leaving NPC Felton and Widdrington - a message from him

Getting Help With: Tests And Results

Tests and results

Results usually take at least seven working days to be returned from the labatory.

It is quicker and easier for you to access this information directly through the NHS App NHS App – NHS ( or you can submit an enquiry via Anima.

If you do wish to call the surgery please do so after 10am. The receptionist will be able to tell you if any further action is required but is not qualified to discuss the result with you. If further discussion is necessary, please make an appointment to see your doctor or for them to ring you.

We will often ask people to arrange a telephone consultation if we feel the result needs explaining – asking you to call does not mean there is anything seriously wrong. Alternatively the doctor may write to you about the results.

We will always contact you as soon as we receive your results if there is any urgent action required.


Results of urine and blood tests usually take at least seven working days to come back from the laboratory. The person ordering the test should tell you whether you need a further appointment after or whether you should phone reception. We do not contact you with results.

The receptionist will be able to tell you if any further action is required but is not qualified to discuss the result with you. If further discussion is necessary, please make an appointment to see your doctor or for them to ring you.

NPC Felton and Widdrington


Widdrington Surgery
Grange Road
NE61 5LX
Felton - 01670 790229
Widdrington - 01670 787353


Northumbria Primary Care